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This page lists configuration properties which can be used to define the functionality and behavior of Cake.Issues recipes.

Git repository information

Cake.Issues recipes require some information about current Git repository.

To define the Git provider in Cake.Issues.Recipe set the global variable RepositoryInfoProvider. To define the Git provider in Cake.Frosting.Issues.Recipe pass the value to the constructor of IssueContext.

The following providers are supported:

Provider Description
RepositoryInfoProviderType.CakeGit Read repository information using Cake.Git addin. Requires system to be compatible with Cake.Git addin.
RepositoryInfoProviderType.Cli Read repository information using Git CLI. Requires Git CLI to be available in path.

By default Cake.Git addin will be used.


IssuesParameters Property Default Value Description
OutputDirectory BuildArtifacts Path to the output directory. A relative path will be relative to the current working directory.
BuildIdentifier string.Empty Identifier for the build run. If set this identifier will be used to identify to artifacts provided by the build if building on multiple configurations.
IssuesContext.Parameters Property Default Value Description
OutputDirectory BuildArtifacts Path to the output directory. A relative path will be relative to the current working directory.
BuildIdentifier string.Empty Identifier for the build run. If set this identifier will be used to identify to artifacts provided by the build if building on multiple configurations.

Input files

IssuesParameters.InputFiles Methods Description
AddMsBuildXmlFileLoggerLogFilePath() Adds a path to a MSBuild log file created by XmlFileLogger.
AddMsBuildXmlFileLoggerLogFileContent() Adds content of a MSBuild log file created by XmlFileLogger.
AddMsBuildBinaryLogFilePath() Adds a path to a MSBuild binary log file.
AddMsBuildBinaryLogFileContent() Adds content of a MSBuild binary log file.
AddInspectCodeLogFilePath() Adds a path to a JetBrains InspectCode log file.
AddInspectCodeLogFileContent() Adds content of a JetBrains InspectCode log file.
AddMarkdownlintCliLogFilePath() Adds a path to a markdownlint-cli log file.
AddMarkdownlintCliLogFileContent() Adds content of a markdownlint-cli log file.
AddMarkdownlintCliJsonLogFilePath() Adds a path to a markdownlint-cli log file writting with --json.
AddMarkdownlintCliJsonLogFileContent() Adds content of a markdownlint-cli log file writting with --json.
AddMarkdownlintV1LogFilePath() Adds a path to a markdownlint log file in version 1.
AddMarkdownlintV1LogFileContent() Adds content of a markdownlint log file in version 1.
AddEsLintJsonLogFilePath() Adds a path to a ESLint log file generated by the ESLint json formatter.
AddEsLintJsonLogFileContent() Adds content of a ESLint log file generated by the ESLint json formatter.
AddSarifLogFilePath() Adds a path to a SARIF log file.
AddSarifLogFileContent() Adds content of a SARIF log file.
IssuesContext.Parameters.InputFiles Methods Description
AddMsBuildXmlFileLoggerLogFilePath() Adds a path to a MSBuild log file created by XmlFileLogger.
AddMsBuildXmlFileLoggerLogFileContent() Adds content of a MSBuild log file created by XmlFileLogger.
AddMsBuildBinaryLogFilePath() Adds a path to a MSBuild binary log file.
AddMsBuildBinaryLogFileContent() Adds content of a MSBuild binary log file.
AddInspectCodeLogFilePath() Adds a path to a JetBrains InspectCode log file.
AddInspectCodeLogFileContent() Adds content of a JetBrains InspectCode log file.
AddMarkdownlintCliLogFilePath() Adds a path to a markdownlint-cli log file.
AddMarkdownlintCliLogFileContent() Adds content of a markdownlint-cli log file.
AddMarkdownlintCliJsonLogFilePath() Adds a path to a markdownlint-cli log file writting with --json.
AddMarkdownlintCliJsonLogFileContent() Adds content of a markdownlint-cli log file writting with --json.
AddMarkdownlintV1LogFilePath() Adds a path to a markdownlint log file in version 1.
AddMarkdownlintV1LogFileContent() Adds content of a markdownlint log file in version 1.
AddEsLintJsonLogFilePath() Adds a path to a ESLint log file generated by the ESLint json formatter.
AddEsLintJsonLogFileContent() Adds content of a ESLint log file generated by the ESLint json formatter.
AddSarifLogFilePath() Adds a path to a SARIF log file.
AddSarifLogFileContent() Adds content of a SARIF log file.

Report creation

IssuesParameters.Reporting Property Default Value Description
ShouldCreateFullIssuesReport true Indicates whether full issues report should be created.
FullIssuesReportSettings GenericIssueReportTemplate.HtmlDxDataGrid template with DevExtremeTheme.MaterialBlueLight theme. Settings for creating the full issues report. See Template Gallery for possible options.
ShouldCreateSarifReport true Indicates whether a report in SARIF format should be created.
ShouldReportIssuesToConsole false Indicates whether issues should be reported to the console.
ReportToConsoleSettings Settings for reporting issues to the console.
IssuesContext.Parameters.Reporting Property Default Value Description
ShouldCreateFullIssuesReport true Indicates whether full issues report should be created.
FullIssuesReportSettings GenericIssueReportTemplate.HtmlDxDataGrid template with DevExtremeTheme.MaterialBlueLight theme. Settings for creating the full issues report. See Template Gallery for possible options.
ShouldCreateSarifReport true Indicates whether a report in SARIF format should be created.
ShouldReportIssuesToConsole false Indicates whether issues should be reported to the console.
ReportToConsoleSettings Settings for reporting issues to the console.

Build server integration

IssuesParameters.BuildServer Property Default Value Description
ShouldReportIssuesToBuildServer true Indicates whether issues should be reported to the build server.
ShouldPublishFullIssuesReport true Indicates whether full issues report should be published as artifact to the build system.
ShouldPublishSarifReport true Indicates whether report int SARIF format shoudl be published as artifact to the build system.
ShouldCreateSummaryIssuesReport true Indicates whether summary issues report should be created.
IssuesContext.Parameters.BuildServer Property Default Value Description
ShouldReportIssuesToBuildServer true Indicates whether issues should be reported to the build server.
ShouldPublishFullIssuesReport true Indicates whether full issues report should be published as artifact to the build system.
ShouldPublishSarifReport true Indicates whether report int SARIF format shoudl be published as artifact to the build system.
ShouldCreateSummaryIssuesReport true Indicates whether summary issues report should be created.

Pull request integration

IssuesParameters.PullRequestSystem Property Default Value Description
ShouldReportIssuesToPullRequest true Indicates whether issues should be reported to the pull request system.
MaxIssuesToPost null Global number of issues which should be posted at maximum over all issue provider. Issues are filtered by priority and issues with a file path are prioritized. null won't set a global limit.
MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns null Global number of issues which should be posted at maximum over all issue providers and across multiple runs. Issues are filtered by priority and issues with a file path are prioritized. null won't set a limit across multiple runs.
MaxIssuesToPostForEachIssueProvider 100 Number of issues which should be posted at maximum for each issue provider. Issues are filtered by priority and issues with a file path are prioritized. null won't limit issues per issue provider.
ProviderIssueLimits Empty Issue limits for individual issue provider. The key must be the IIssue.ProviderType of a specific provider to which the limits should be applied to.
IssueFilters Empty List of filter functions which should be applied before posting issues to pull requests.
ShouldSetPullRequestStatus true Indicates whether a status on the pull request should be set if there are any issues found.
ShouldSetSeparatePullRequestStatusForEachIssueProviderAndRun true Indicates whether a separate status should be set for issues of every issue provider and run.
IssuesContext.Parameters.PullRequestSystem Property Default Value Description
ShouldReportIssuesToPullRequest true Indicates whether issues should be reported to the pull request system.
MaxIssuesToPost null Global number of issues which should be posted at maximum over all issue provider. Issues are filtered by priority and issues with a file path are prioritized. null won't set a global limit.
MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns null Global number of issues which should be posted at maximum over all issue providers and across multiple runs. Issues are filtered by priority and issues with a file path are prioritized. null won't set a limit across multiple runs.
MaxIssuesToPostForEachIssueProvider 100 Number of issues which should be posted at maximum for each issue provider. Issues are filtered by priority and issues with a file path are prioritized. null won't limit issues per issue provider.
ProviderIssueLimits Empty Issue limits for individual issue provider. The key must be the IIssue.ProviderType of a specific provider to which the limits should be applied to.
IssueFilters Empty List of filter functions which should be applied before posting issues to pull requests.
ShouldSetPullRequestStatus true Indicates whether a status on the pull request should be set if there are any issues found.
ShouldSetSeparatePullRequestStatusForEachIssueProviderAndRun true Indicates whether a separate status should be set for issues of every issue provider and run.