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Pull Request Integration

This page documents how integration with build server and pull request systems work.


In most cases the integration will just work as expected. Using Cake Issues does not require an in-depth understanding of these concepts. For some advanced scenarios it can be useful to have an deeper understand how the pipeline to report issues to build servers and pull requests work.

Most of the default behavior can be customized through IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.

The pipeline for integration with build servers and pull request systems looks like this:

graph LR
  existingThreads["`Handle existing
  discussion threads`"]
  commit ID`"]
  discussion threads`"]

  existingThreads --> filterIssues;
  filterIssues --> checkCommitId;
  checkCommitId --> postThreads;
  • Handle existing discussion threads

    Implementations supporting the Discussion Threads capability will automatically resolve comments on a pull request if an issue no longer exists on a subsequent run, or reopen comments if they are closed but the issue still exists.

  • Filter issues

    Issue filtering allows to reduce the set of issues reported to a build server or pull request system.

  • Check commit id

    Check commit id will skip posting of issues if the current commit of the pull request is different to the commit for which the issues are reported.

  • Post discussion threads

    Post discussion threads will post the issues in the pipeline, which have not been filtered out, to the build server or pull request.

Handle existing discussion threads


This step will only be executed for implementations supporting the Discussion Threads capability.

The step will automatically resolve comments, posted in a previous run to the pull request, if the related issue no longer exists on a subsequent run. Comments which are closed, but where the related issue still exists, will be reopened.

The flow for handling existing discussion threads looks like this:

graph LR
  existing threads`"]
  getComments["`Get existing
  comments for issue`"]
  existing comments`"]
  existing comments`"]

  readThreads --> forEveryIssue;
  forEveryIssue -->|Yes| getComments;
  getComments --> resolveComments;
  resolveComments --> reopenComments;
  reopenComments --> forEveryIssue;
  forEveryIssue -->|No| wfEnd;

The Resolve existing comments step will close threads if they fulfill the following conditions:

  • The thread was created by the same logic (1)
  • The thread is for the same file
  • The thread was created for the same issue
  • The thread is active
  1. Defined by the IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.CommentSource property

The Reopen existing comments step will reopen threads if they fulfill the following conditions:

  • The thread was created by the same logic (1)
  • The thread is for the same file
  • The thread was created for the same issue
  • The thread is resolved
  1. Defined by the IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.CommentSource property

Filter issues

Issue filtering allows to reduce the set of issues reported to a build server or pull request system through settings on IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.

The overall filtering process looks like this:

graph LR
  filterByPath["`Filter issues
  by path`"]
  filterExistingComments["`Filter already
  existing comments`"]
  filterByNumber["`Filter issues
  by number`"]
  customFilters["`Apply custom filters`"]

  filterByPath --> filterExistingComments;
  filterExistingComments --> filterByNumber;
  filterByNumber --> customFilters;

Filter issues by path


This step will only be executed for implementations supporting the Filtering by modified files capability.

The step will filter out issues not affecting files changed in the pull request.

The flow looks like this:

graph LR
  getModifiedFilesInPullRequest["`Get files modified
  in pull request`"]
  removeIssues["`Remove issues not related
  to modified files`"]

  getModifiedFilesInPullRequest --> removeIssues;

Filter already existing comments


This step will only be executed for implementations supporting the Discussion Threads capability.

The step will filter issues, which were already reported in a previous run, so they won't be reported again.

Issues will be filtered if a comment exists which fulfills the following criteria:

  • The thread was created for the relevant issue
  • The thread is either in status Active, Resolved or Won't Fix

Filter issues by number

For projects containing legacy code with existing issues, it is possible to limit the number of issues reported to a pull request through IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings properties.

The flow for filtering issues by number looks like this:

graph LR
  perIssueProvider["`Apply issue limits
  per issue provider`"]
  perIssueProviderForRun["`Apply issue limits
  per provider
  for this run`"]
  globalIssueLimit["`Apply global
  issue limit`"]
  perIssueProviderAcrossRuns["`Apply issue limits
  per provider
  across multiple runs`"]
  globalIssueLimitAcrossRuns["`Apply global
  issue limit
  across multiple runs`"]

  perIssueProvider --> perIssueProviderForRun;
  perIssueProviderForRun --> globalIssueLimit;
  globalIssueLimit --> perIssueProviderAcrossRuns;
  perIssueProviderAcrossRuns --> globalIssueLimitAcrossRuns;

The issues are filtered according to the following criteria:

  1. Priority: Issues with a lower priority are filtered out first, issues with a higher priority are reported preferentially.
  2. File path: Issues not related to a file are filtered out first, issues related to files are reported preferentially.

Apply issue limits per issue provider

The IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.MaxIssuesToPostForEachIssueProvider property can be used to limit the number of issues which should be posted at maximum for each issue provider.

Setting this value will apply to all issue providers.


In the following example 228 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 134 issues from SARIF issue provider were reported. Due to IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.MaxIssuesToPostForEachIssueProvider property setting, issues are limited to 100 for both issues from MsBuild and SARIF issue provider.

graph TB
  msBuildBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 228"}
  sarifBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 134"}
  msBuildAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 100"}
  sarifAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 100"}

  classDef input stroke:#EF5552
  classDef setting fill:#2094F3;
  classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

  class msBuildBefore,sarifBefore input;
  class setting setting;
  class msBuildAfter,sarifAfter output;

  msBuildBefore --> setting;
  sarifBefore --> setting;
  setting --> msBuildAfter;
  setting --> sarifAfter;

Apply issue limits per provider for this run

The IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.ProviderIssueLimits property with the MaxIssuesToPost setting can be used to limit the number of issues which should be posted at maximum for individual issue providers.

This setting allows to define different values for different issue providers.


In the following example 100 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 100 issues from SARIF issue provider are in the pipeline. Due to MaxIssuesToPost setting, issues from SARIF issue provider are limited to 50.

graph TB
  msBuildBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 100"}
  sarifBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 100"}
  setting[\"Sarif MaxIssues=50"/]
  msBuildAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 100"}
  sarifAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 50"}

  classDef input stroke:#EF5552
  classDef setting fill:#2094F3;
  classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

  class msBuildBefore,sarifBefore input;
  class setting setting;
  class msBuildAfter,sarifAfter output;

  msBuildBefore --> setting;
  sarifBefore --> setting;
  setting --> msBuildAfter;
  setting --> sarifAfter;

Apply global issue limit

The IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.MaxIssuesToPost property can be used to limit the total number of issues which should be posted.

This limit is across all issue provider.


In the following example 100 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 50 issues from SARIF issue provider are in the pipeline. Due to IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.MaxIssuesToPost property setting, issues are limited to 75 in total. The numbers in the output are examples. The actual numbers depend solely on priority and file path of individual issues.

graph TB
  msBuildBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 100"}
  sarifBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 50"}
  msBuildAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 40"}
  sarifAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 35"}

  classDef input stroke:#EF5552
  classDef setting fill:#2094F3;
  classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

  class msBuildBefore,sarifBefore input;
  class setting setting;
  class msBuildAfter,sarifAfter output;

  msBuildBefore --> setting;
  sarifBefore --> setting;
  setting --> msBuildAfter;
  setting --> sarifAfter;

Apply issue limits per provider across multiple runs


This step will only be executed for implementations supporting the Discussion Threads capability.

The IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.ProviderIssueLimits property with the MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns setting can be used to limit the number of issues which should be posted at maximum for specific issue providers across multiple runs

This setting allows to define different values for different issue providers.


In the following example in a previous run 20 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 50 issues from SARIF issue provider were posted. Current run at this point would post 40 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 35 issues from SARIF issue provider. But since MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns for MsBuild issue provider is set to 30, the list of issues reported from the MsBuild issue provider will be filtered to 10 issues. Since no filtering for issues reported by the SARIF issue provider is defined, the 35 issues from the SARIF issue provider won't be further filtered in this step.

graph TB
  subgraph Current run
    direction TB

    msBuildBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 40"}
    sarifBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 35"}
    setting[\"MsBuild MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns=30"/]
    msBuildAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 10"}
    sarifAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 35"}

    classDef input stroke:#EF5552
    classDef setting fill:#2094F3;
    classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

    class msBuildBefore,sarifBefore input;
    class setting setting;
    class msBuildAfter,sarifAfter output;

    msBuildBefore --> setting;
    sarifBefore --> setting;
    setting --> msBuildAfter;
    setting --> sarifAfter;

  subgraph Previous run
    direction TB

    msBuildAfterPrev@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 20"}
    sarifAfterPrev@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 50"}

    classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

    class msBuildAfterPrev,sarifAfterPrev output;


The above example does not consider if an issue has already be posted or not. This will already been taken care of by the Filter for already existing comments which will be applied previously in the pipeline.

Apply global issue limit across multiple runs


This step will only be executed for implementations supporting the Discussion Threads capability.

The MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns setting can be used to limit the total number of issues which should be posted across multiple runs

This limit is across all issue provider.


In the following example in a previous run 20 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 50 issues from SARIF issue provider were posted. Current run at this point would post 10 issues from MsBuild issue provider and 35 issues from SARIF issue provider. Due to MaxIssuesToPostAcrossRuns setting, issues are limited to 30 in total, resulting in 100 issues across runs together with the 70 issues posted to the previous run. The numbers in the output are examples. The actual numbers depend solely on priority and file path of individual issues.

graph TB
  subgraph Current run
    direction TB

    msBuildBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 10"}
    sarifBefore@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 35"}
    msBuildAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 10"}
    sarifAfter@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 35"}

    classDef input stroke:#EF5552
    classDef setting fill:#2094F3;
    classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

    class msBuildBefore,sarifBefore input;
    class setting setting;
    class msBuildAfter,sarifAfter output;

    msBuildBefore --> setting;
    sarifBefore --> setting;
    setting --> msBuildAfter;
    setting --> sarifAfter;

  subgraph Previous run
    direction TB

    msBuildAfterPrev@{ shape: docs, label: "MsBuild Issues: 20"}
    sarifAfterPrev@{ shape: docs, label: "Sarif Issues: 50"}

    classDef output stroke:#8BC34B

    class msBuildAfterPrev,sarifAfterPrev output;

Apply custom filters

The step will apply any additional custom filters defined using IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.IssueFilters property to further limit the issues which will be reported.


See Custom Issue Filter for an example how to define custom filters.

Check commit ID


This step will only be executed for implementations supporting the Checking commit ID capability.

The step will skip posting of issues if the current commit of the pull request is different to the commit ID passed to IReportIssuesToPullRequestSettings.CommitId.

Post discussion threads

This step will post the issues in the pipeline which have not been filtered out, to the build server or pull request.


The build server and pull request system integration writes extensive log entries when running with Diagnostic verbosity.