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The Cake.Issues addins for the Cake build automation system offer an extensive and flexible solution for reading linting issues.

Cake.Issues redefines issue management within the Cake build system by offering a comprehensive, universal, and extensible solution. The unique capabilities of the addins empower development teams to enforce coding standards, generate insightful reports, seamlessly incorporate various linting tools, and streamlining the integration with pull requests. With its modular architecture and extensive set of aliases, Cake.Issues provides a future-proof infrastructure for issue management in Cake builds, fostering a more efficient and adaptable development process.

Unique Problem Solving

Some examples how Cake.Issues can help development teams to improve code quality.

Break build on linting issues

Cake.Issues provides a seamless integration, allowing you to enforce coding standards by breaking builds when linting issues are detected.

Breaking builds

Pull Requests integration

Ensure linting issues are promptly addressed by having them reported as comments on pull requests. Cake.Issues bridges the gap between linting tools and version control systems, fostering efficient collaboration during code reviews.

Integrate with pull request systems


Craft detailed and visually appealing reports for linting issues directly within your Cake build. The addins facilitates easy identification and resolution of linting concerns, enhancing the overall code quality.

Creating Reports

Universal Compatibility

Diverse Linting Tool Support

Regardless of the linting tools you use, Cake.Issues ensures that you're not left out. Cake.Issues supports a variety of analyzers and linters, allowing you to incorporate new tools effortlessly while maintaining integration with existing ones.

Supported Tools

Build System Agnosticism

Embrace the freedom to choose the build system that best suit your needs. If your current build system lacks tasks for reporting issues in pull requests, Cake.Issues steps in to fill that void seamlessly. In the case of using multiple CI services, Cake.Issues guarantees a consistent feature set across all of them.

Supported Build and pull request systems

Unprecedented Extensibility

Modular Architecture

The Cake.Issues addin breaks away from the norm by offering a modular architecture. Comprising over 15 distinct addins, it presents a cohesive solution through more than 75 aliases for Cake builds, providing unparalleled flexibility.


Extensible Infrastructure

Designed with extensibility in mind, Cake.Issues provides extension points for supporting additional analyzers, linters,report formats, and code review systems. This adaptability ensures that your build scripts can evolve with the ever-changing landscape of development tools.
