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The Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin provides the following features.


There's a demo repository available which you can fork and to which you can create pull requests to test the integration functionality.

Basic features

  • Writes issues as comments to Azure DevOps pull requests.
  • Identification of pull requests through source branch or pull request ID.
  • Comments written by the addin will be rendered with a specific icon corresponding to the state of the issue.
  • Adds rule number and, if provided by the issue provider, link to the rule description to the comment.
  • Support for issues messages formatted in Markdown format.

Supported capabilities

The Cake.Issues.PullRequests.AzureDevOps addin supports the following capabilities.

Supported authentication methods

Azure DevOps Server Azure DevOps Service Authentication method
Basic authentication
Personal access token
Azure Active Directory

For detailed instructions how to connect using the different methods see Setup instructions.
