
GetExpandoObject(IIssue, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, IDictionary<string, Func<IIssue, object>>) Method


Returns an dynamic object containing the properties of an issue.


public static ExpandoObject GetExpandoObject(this IIssue issue, bool addProviderType = true, bool addProviderName = true, bool addRun = true, bool addPriority = true, bool addPriorityName = true, bool addProjectPath = true, bool addProjectName = true, bool addFilePath = true, bool addFileDirectory = true, bool addFileName = true, bool addFileLink = true, bool addLine = true, bool addEndLine = true, bool addColumn = true, bool addEndColumn = true, bool addLocation = true, bool addRuleId = true, bool addRuleName = true, bool addRuleUrl = true, bool addMessageText = true, bool addMessageHtml = false, bool fallbackToTextMessageIfHtmlMessageNotAvailable = true, bool addMessageMarkdown = false, bool fallbackToTextMessageIfMarkdownMessageNotAvailable = true, IDictionary<string, Func<IIssue, object>> additionalValues = null)


Name Type Description
issue IIssue Issue for which the dynamic object should be returned.
addProviderType bool Flag if value of ProviderType should be added.
addProviderName bool Flag if value of ProviderName should be added.
addRun bool Flag if value of Run should be added.
addPriority bool Flag if value of Priority should be added.
addPriorityName bool Flag if value of PriorityName should be added.
addProjectPath bool Flag if value of ProjectPath(IIssue) should be added.
addProjectName bool Flag if value of ProjectName should be added.
addFilePath bool Flag if value of AffectedFileRelativePath should be added.
addFileDirectory bool Flag if value of FileDirectory(IIssue) should be added.
addFileName bool Flag if value of FileName(IIssue) should be added.
addFileLink bool Flag if value of FileLink should be added.
addLine bool Flag if value of Line should be added.
addEndLine bool Flag if value of EndLine should be added.
addColumn bool Flag if value of Column should be added.
addEndColumn bool Flag if value of EndColumn should be added.
addLocation bool Flag if value of LineRange(IIssue) should be added.
addRuleId bool Flag if value of RuleId should be added.
addRuleName bool Flag if value of RuleName should be added.
addRuleUrl bool Flag if value of RuleUrl should be added.
addMessageText bool Flag if value of MessageText should be added.
addMessageHtml bool Flag if value of MessageHtml should be added.
fallbackToTextMessageIfHtmlMessageNotAvailable bool Flag if value of MessageText should be returned if MessageHtml is not available.
addMessageMarkdown bool Flag if value of MessageMarkdown should be added.
fallbackToTextMessageIfMarkdownMessageNotAvailable bool Flag if value of MessageText should be returned if MessageMarkdown is not available.
additionalValues IDictionary<string, Func<IIssue, object>> Additional values which should be added to the object.

Return Value

Type Description
ExpandoObject Dynamic object containing the properties of the issue.